Simple Yet Highly Effective Tips To Clean Hardwood Flooring

Now that your hardwood floor is installed successfully, your house feels and looks like a true beauty. What next? Well, since it is a huge investment from your side, you need to make efforts towards caring and preserving it. Is it difficult? Does it cost a lot of your time and money? Not really! Simply read on to know what to do and how:

Floor Mats are a Must

Thanks a ton to the one who invented this wonderful little thing. These play an awesome device for offering apt protection to hardwood floors against tiny damaging elements like dirt. These act as harsh sandpaper for the floor and scratch it mercilessly. Placing a nice floor mat entryway will help a lot. Also request guests and family members to wipe their feet on the mat before entering home. Water damage can also be protected by placing mats in areas where water is used such as bathrooms and kitchen. It is advisable to invest in rugs or mats made specially to be used on hardwood floors.

Maintenance is the Key

All good things in life demand regular maintenance. Hardwood floor is no exception! Once you have installed the flooring, the responsibility of keeping it beautiful, clean, and shining like new comes along. The beauty of floor depends on the care you take. First, you need to invest in a good quality high broom. This will help you sweep floor regularly of dust, dirt, and other particles. Also use a vacuum cleaner sans a beater bar. This efficiently gets in between all of the boards and various hard to reach regions.

You need to follow deep cleaning techniques as per the installation and overall hardwood floor finish. An 8 inches by 14 inches terrycloth mop will make for a perfect option for “Finish in Place” floors. It is wise to invest in professional cleaning products for the floor. These are made for removing very tough stains and spills sans dulling the shine or finish of wood floor.

The Cleaning Products

When looking for wooden flooring supplier prior to the installation, it is good to reach out to a reputed one. Most of the manufacturers and supplier of hardwood flooring have their own set of cleaning products they vouch for when it come to the maintenance of finish. So using the recommended cleaning products and following instructions will keep the flooring in good condition. You may also check with your local retailer for a good quality cleaner. Make sure you test the cleaner in a hidden corner to choose the right product.

Do and Don’ts for your Hardwood Floor

Here are some yes and no’s for your beloved hardwood floor that you must follow in order to keep it healthy and beautiful always:

Don’t –

Use wax on a wood floor of urethane finish
Use oil soaps or ammonia cleaners on wood floor. These tend to dull the finish and capacity to get recoated.
Use wet mop
Use excessive water for cleaning floor. It will led to expansion of wood and ultimately crack.


Always use cleaners that don’t leave a residue or film.
Use professional hardwood floor cleaner. This helps with removal of all scuffs and scratches or heel marks. All you need to do is to spray some on a soft cloth and rub the
affected regions gently.
Use a damp (not wet) towel or sponge to clean sticky spots.
Reduce water exposure.
Clean up spills immediately.

Refinishing of Hardwood Flooring

Screen & Recoat

Screening and re-coating should be done regularly as and when you feel it is time and the floor looks tarnished. Screening abrades or grinds down polyurethane finish of floor. Fresh coats of urethane must be applied. This results in a beautiful looking rejuvenated floor and fresh as new. It is wise to reach out to a reputed professional for the same. It helps with ensuring full value to your hard earned money.

For severe damage, hardwood floor should be sanded and refinished. The sanding is done to bare wood and refinished. Replacement is the last option if everything else fails.

Protection against Color Loss and Shading

It is true that hardwood floors are prone to fading or variation in shades with time. When exposed to direct sunlight, hardwood suffer from permanent color change. To ensure ample protection, you must go for the best of window treatments to provide apt shade for your floors from the harsh and damaging ultra voilet rays of sun. It is also good to keep rotating area rugs and furniture on a regular basis. This facilitates even aging of hardwood floors from UV exposure.

Protection against Scratching

Most of the time, it becomes unavoidable. However, you must take care as far as possible. Here’s how you can ensure protection and care to your hardwood floor against scratching:


-Cover legs of sofas, tables etc. with flannel protectors to avoid permanent marks and scratches.
-Avoid scuffing and dragging while moving heavy objects across the floor.


-Trim your little pooch and cat’s nails regularly. Also keep all of the sharp objects away from wood floors.
-Avoid placing water and food bowls served to pets on a hardwood floor directly.
-Wipe up pet urine immediately and finish off with a final wipe using clean damp cloth.


-Strictly avoid walking around home with stiletto heels on. Keep fashion out of house. These may cause harmful and irreparable dents and dings to your expensive wood floors.

In a Nutshell

The more you care and love your floors, longer they last. It gives back what you give to them – Love!